3歳でピアノを、10歳でクラリネットを始める。相愛大学卒業、同大学専攻科修了。海川雅富、鈴木豊人、濱中浩一の各氏に師事。卒業演奏会、京都府 新人演 奏会、霧島国際音楽祭、”一万人の第九”オーケストラ等に参加。京都音楽家クラブ所属。渡米後、ニューヨーク市立大学クイーンズ・カレッジにて修士課程を 修了。チャールズ・ナイディック、大島文子の両氏に師事。現在はNYにてフリーの演奏家として室内楽やチェンバーオーケストラなどで演奏活動と同時に、 Amadeus Music School、Song of Songs にて後進の指導にあたる。
・誕生日:9月1日 防災の日 乙女座
Noriko Nagao, clarinetist, was born in Kyoto, Japan. She began playing the piano at the age of three and the clarinet at the age of ten. She received her M.A degree at Queens College, CUNY as a student of Charles Neidich and Ayako Oshima and B.M. and Artist Diploma from the Conservatory Music of Soai University where she studied under Masatomi Kaigawa and Toyohito Suzuki. As an orchestra player, she has performed with various groups, such as RICCS, NYJAA (New York Japanese American Association) Chamber Orchestra, Queens College Orchestra, Kirishima Music Festival Youth Orchestra and the Youth Orchestra for the “Beethoven 9th Symphony with ten thousand choirs” with Peter Schmidl, Principal Clarinetist of Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra. She is also an active chamber musician performing music of many different styles. Music festivals in which she has participated include the Kirishima International Music Festival and the Kitakaruizawa Clarinet Seminar. Currently, Ms. Nagao is an active clarinetist in the NY area and also a clarinet and piano teacher at several music schools which foster children’ s musical talent and prepare them for ABRSM and Carnegie Hall TAP.
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